Blockchain Kaigi 2023 (BCK23)

The Integrated Innovation Building (IIB) at the RIKEN Kobe Campus

Blockchain Kaigi 2023 (BCK23)

[Click here for “Blockchain Kaigi 2023” in Japanese]

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The International workshop Blockchain Kaigi (Kaigi: Meeting, Conference) aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from various communities of science and technology working on areas related to FinTech, crypto-asset, and blockchain.

On February 17th – 18th of 2021 the international workshop “Blockchain in Kyoto 2021 (BCK21)” was held at Kyoto University, and following year on August 4th – 5th the international workshop “BCK22: Blockchain Kaigi 2022” was held at Tohoku University, both gathered many participants from all over the world and ended successfully. As the third step, the international workshop “BCK23: Blockchain Kaigi 2023” will be held on October 28th -29th, 2023 at RIKEN’s Kobe Campus (Kobe City).

Authors are encouraged to submit theoretical and/or applied articles on their research related to Blockchains in general.


Topics for this international conference include, but are not limited to the following.

  • Crypto assets, cryptocurrencies
  • Blockchain technology, cryptography/mathematics
  • B2B and B2C solutions
  • Anomaly detection, cyber security
  • Digital Asset Market, Central Bank Digital Currency CBDC
  • smart contract
  • Application to energy and environmental problems
  • Application to financial inclusion, remittance and digital identity
  • Innovation policy
  • Legal and regulatory issues
  • Network Science, Graph Theory, Mathematics of Hypergraphs


October 28th (Sat) – 29th (Sun), 2023


The event will be held in person.
If you are interested, please come to the following venue.
The Integrated Innovation Building (IIB) at the RIKEN Kobe Campus.
Facilities Open to Public Use | RIKEN Kobe Campus

Registration / Submission

Please click here to register

The abstract should include the title of the presentation, the names and affiliations of the speaker and co-researcher(s), a description of the content of the presentation, and one figure or table to supplement the description.

The abstract should be one page. Upload a PDF file.

Important Dates

Deadline of abstract submission for general speakers: Saturday, September 30, 2023.

New abstracts are no longer being accepted.

Notification of acceptance of presentation: Monday, October 2, 2023

Registration deadline not for general speakers: Friday, October 27, 2023

* Registration will be available on October 28 and 29 of the day of workshop, however, please register by 12:00 pm on both dates. No registration fee is required.

Program(Final version)

Program and Abstracts


Organizing Committee

  • Yuichi Ikeda (Kyoto Univ)
  • Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN iTHEMS)
  • Claudio J. Tessone (Univ of Zurich)
  • Akihiro Fujihara (Chiba Institute of Technology)
  • Tomoyuki Shirai (Kyushu Univ)
  • Yuichi Ike (Kyushu Univ)
  • Yoshimasa Hidaka (KEK Theory Center)
  • Abhijit Chakraborty (Kyoto Univ)
  • Emi Yoshikawa (Ripple Labs Inc.)


Yuka Okamoto (Kyoto Univ)

Keynote and Invited Speakers:

Keynote Speech

Wakefield Scott Stornetta

Wakefield Scott StornettaDr. W. Scott Stornetta is considered by many to be the co-inventor of the Blockchain. From 1991, his pioneering series of papers and patents, written with Dr. Stuart Haber, laid the foundation for Bitcoin and other digital currencies. (Of the eight citations in the original Bitcoin white paper, three reference their work.) Haber and Stornetta co-founded Surety Technologies, which offered the first commercial deployment of a blockchain.
Stornetta is a partner at Yugen Partners, a blockchain and AI-focused venture capital firm and a fellow at the Creative Destruction Lab associated with the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.

Aanchal Malhotra

Head of Research at Ripple Lab Inc.

Aanchal MalhotraAanchal serves as the Head of Research at Ripple, where she leads the research and development efforts in Defi protocol design and cryptography. In her role, she drives various company-wide initiatives and collaborates on technical papers aimed at introducing native support for new features such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Automated Market Maker (AMM), and Decentralized Identity (DID) on XRPL. For the past four years, Aanchal has been leveraging her expertise in cryptographic primitives like Threshold signatures and Zero-Knowledge SNARKS to drive continuous improvements in the scalability, privacy, and interoperability of XRPL. Additionally, she holds a position on the Board of Directors for the Travel Rule Information Sharing Alliance (TRISA), an organization committed to facilitating the secure and lawful exchange of digital assets. Aanchal holds a PhD in Computer Science from Boston University.

Invited Speakers

Shoji Kasahara

Division of Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology,

Shoji KASAHARAShoji Kasahara received the B. Eng., M. Eng. and Dr. Eng. degrees from Kyoto University in 1989, 1991 and 1996, respectively. He was with the Educational Center for Information Processing, Kyoto University from 1993 to 1997, as an Assistant Professor. From 1997 to 2005, he was with Graduate School of Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology. From 2005 to 2012, he was an Associate Professor of Department of Systems Science, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University. Since 2012, he has been a Professor of Graduate School of Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology. His research interests include queueing theory, operations research, and performance modeling of computer and communication systems. He was the Director of Journal and Transactions, IEICE, during 2020–2022, and has been the President of Communications Society, IEICE, since 2023. He is a fellow of IEICE and ORSJ.

Victor Fang


Victor FangCEO and Co-Founder of AnChain.AI, a Silicon Valley web3 cybersecurity startup that won RSA Innovation Sandbox Award.
Victor is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur in Cybersecurity X AI. The technology he built has been empowering high profile customers ranging from governments to financial institutions and enterprises.
Prior to AnChain.AI, he has held data science leadership roles at FireEye Mandiant (acq’ Google), Awake Security (Greylock, acq’ 2020), Pivotal (IPO 2018) and EMC. Victor has served as an Industry Advisor at UC Berkeley, and holds 20 US patents. He authored the “Audit Practitioners’ Guide for Machine Learning” white papers at ISACA, the world’s largest IT auditing organization. While not innovating, he enjoys playing jazz and rock music.

Hiroyoshi Miwa

Kwansei Gakuin University
Vice-President, Executive Dean of Organization for Information Strategies,
AI Solution Architect Training Program Project Leader,
Professor, School of Engineering, Program of Comuputer Science

Hiroyoshi MiwaHiroyoshi Miwa received his B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Tokyo in 1992 and the Doctor of Informatics degree from Kyoto University in 2000. Since joining NTT Laboratories in 1992, he has researched information network design and control issues. In 2002, he joined Kwansei Gakuin University, where he is currently a Professor in School of Engineering. The research field is the applied mathematics and physics, including optimization theory, algorithm theory, computational complexity theory, graph theory, and discrete mathematics.

Tsuyoshi Ide

IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

Tsuyoshi IdeDr. Tsuyoshi Ide received his Ph.D. in theoretical condensed-matter physics from the University of Tokyo in 2000. After joining IBM Research – Tokyo in the same year as a researcher in applied optics, he started working on machine learning research with a passion for modeling real-world business problems. In 2013, he transferred to Thomas J. Watson Research Center in New York, where he engaged in a variety of research projects such as anomaly detection, explainable AI, and decentralized learning. Starting in 2023, he moved to the semiconductor division of IBM Research, supporting Japan’s strategic moves in semiconductor manufacturing under the Japan-US partnership.

Wang Qin

CSIRO Data61

Wang QinQin is a research scientist at CSIRO Data61 in Australia, with extensive experience in the blockchain field. His expertise spans emerging web3 techniques, including NFTs, DAOs, and DeFi, as well as the fundamental aspects of consensus protocols, such as scalability, security, and privacy. Qin takes a leading role in driving academic papers and international standards and actively contributes to the communities such as ETHGlobal. Prior to joining CSIRO Data61, Qin pursued a Ph.D. at Swinburne University of Technology, completed a master’s degree at Beihang University, and obtained a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University.

Shingo Fujimoto

Senior Research Director in Data & Security Research laboratory, Fujitsu Limited.

Shingo FujimotoDr. Shingo Fujimoto is the Senior Research Director in the Data & Security Research laboratory of Fujitsu Research.
He is a core member of Connection Chain developers in Fujitsu and executes a lot of PoCs using it with revolutionary partners.
He was involved in establishing the “Hyperledger Cacti” project, which develops an open-source tool to enable the integration of blockchains into consistent Web3 applications.
He has been a Governing Board member of the Hyperledger Foundation since 2021.

Invited Speaker (Japanese Company Session)

Syuga Yamamoto

Gaiax Co.Ltd Development Department/web3 Business Headquarters
Representative Director of Catharsis Inc.

Syuga Yamamoto7th year student at Kyoto University, Faculty of Integrated Human Studies. Representative Director of Catharsis Inc. and Director of Kyoto University Entrepreneurship Department. With the theme of “blossoming creativity of individuals and organizations,” I am developing activities such as creating opportunities for discussion, holding business contests, and passing on tacit knowledge.

Mayu Yokoyama

DX Promotion Group, Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha

Mayu Yokoyama Mr. Yokoyama joined Yusen Logistics Co., Ltd. and has been on secondment to NYK from April 2022.
Last year, he participated in the Digital Academy, a six-month in-house training program for new businesses. There, he formed a team with four members from completely different departments and backgrounds, and focused on Web3 with the aim of “developing a new business that is not limited to BtoB companies and the shipping industry. Currently, he has formed an “in-house DAO” with about 70 volunteers.

Hotel Information

Travel information

Kobe Official Travel Guide

Organizers · Co-sponsors

Organized by:


Photos of the presentations

Opening: Yuichi Ikeda (Kyoto University)

Aanchal Malhotra (Ripple Lab Inc.)

Question for keynote speech

Victor Fang (An Chain.AI)

Tsuyoshi Ide (IBM Thomas J.Watson Research Center)

Claudio J.Tessone (University of Zurich)

Hideaki Aoyama (Kyoto University)







Masaki Sakurai (Chiba Institute of Technology)

Yu Kimura (Interoperability Labs Ltd.)

Ryosuke Nakazawa (Chiba Institute of Technology)

Shinya Hirata (Kyushu University)

Zheng Nan (Yamanashi Gakuin University)

Abhijit Chakraborty (Kyoto University)

Wakefield Scott Stornetta (Creative Destruction Lab)








Question for keynote speech

Hiroyoshi Miwa (Kwansei Gakuin University)

Taishi Nakai (Kyoto University)

Gopikrishnan Muraleedharan (Macquarie University)

Tsuyoshi Hirayama (IBM Japan, Ltd.)

Shoji Kasahara (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)

Qin Wang (CSIRO)








Shingo Fujimoto (Data & Security Reserch Laboratory, Fujitsu Limited)

Akihiko Fujihara (Chiba Institute of Technology)

Shuga Yamamoto (Gaiax Co.Ltd)

Mayu Yokoyama (Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisya)

Closing: Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN iTHEMS)












Group Photo